Manhattan Beach Unified School District

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Mustang Trot

Mustang Trot
12/17/2018, 8:30 AM 10:30 AM
Meadows Lower Field

On Monday, December 17th our kids will WALK, TROT, RUN!

Students raise money by flat donations or per lap pledges leading up to the Trot.

  1. DONATE online HERE
  2. GET PLEDGES: Talk to friends, neighbors, family, Meadows alum and more!
  3. VOLUNTEER HERE: for your child's class (lap counter, class coordinator)
  4. SIGN UP HERE: to help the day before the event! (Prepare field bags, water bottles etc.)
TOP FUNDRAISERS ‘HIT THE JACKPOT’ and have lunch with the principal in February!
TOP lap runners win a MOVIE NIGHT in the café in January!

The Mustang Trot is a BIG event and we need volunteers to help make it a huge success.

Send us an email at [email protected]

Update as of Nov 26, 2018:
Thank you so much for your patience with the postponement of the Mustang Trot due to air quality and now weather! We are ready to run the Trot, as you know and love it, on Monday, December 17th!

If you already turned in a pledge form, THANK YOU! With a couple of extra weeks before the Trot, there's still time to get more pledges in. Any student who turns in a pledge form-for the first time, or in addition to other pledges already turned in-will get extra entries for raffle prizes drawn on Trot Day. And remember, you can make donations online HERE! 

We need some elves to make our holiday trot super special!! So bring your holiday cheer and volunteer to help out on the morning of the trot! Sign up here: Trot signup.  If you were signed up to help with the Mustang Trot this Thursday-as a lap counter, classroom coordinator, or Trot set-up helper-your volunteer assignment will stay as-is. If you are no longer available to volunteer at the Trot on 17th Dec, please check signup genius or email us at [email protected]


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