California Department of Education Resources
California English Language Arts (ELA) and Literacy Standards
Executive Summary: CA English Language Arts (ELA) and English Language Development Framework
Instructional Materials Selection Process
Standards for Evaluation of Instructional Materials with Respect to Social Content, 2013
MBUSD ELA Textbook/Instructional Materials Adoptions
BP 6161.1 Selection and Evaluation of Instructional Materials
The Governing Board desires that District instructional materials, as a whole, present a broad spectrum of knowledge and viewpoints, reflect and value society’s diversity, and enhance instructors’ ability to educate all students through the use of multiple teaching strategies and technologies. The Board shall adopt instructional materials based on a determination that such materials are an effective learning resource to help students achieve grade-level competency and that the material meet criteria specified in law. Textbooks, technology-based materials, and other educational materials shall be aligned with State of California and District content standards and the District's curriculum in order to ensure that they effectively support the District's adopted courses of study.
The Board shall select instructional materials for use in grades K-8 that have been approved by the State Board of Education (SBE) or that have, during the District’s review process, been determined to be aligned with the State of California academic content standards adopted by State Board of Education (SBE). (Education Code 60200, 60210).
MBUSD Core and Extended Text Adoption Form