In an instance when a subpoena is served to a school site or a District department, direct the server to bring the subpoena to the office of the Superintendent or designee. NO subpoena should be accepted at a school or a District department. Subpoenas for students shall be directed to the Assistant Superintendent, Student Services. Subpoenas for employees shall be directed to the Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources. All other subpoenas are to be directed to the Superintendent’s office.
If a subpoena is served at the school site or received in the school mail, call or e-mail the Superintendent’s Office or designee on the same day that it is received so that the Superintendent or designee will be aware that it has been served.
After the subpoena is reviewed to determine exactly what is needed, the Superintendent or designee will call the school site or department to direct them as to what information or file(s) will need to be copied. The caller will direct the school site or department where to send the copied materials at the District Office.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If it appears necessary to have the District’s insurance investigator visit a site, Administrative Services will notify the site administrator of the planned visit. If such authorization is not received from Administrative Services, NO information is to be given to any other person. If anyone comes to the site, telephones or requests any information on the incident, that person should be referred to Administrative Services. If information is requested and has not been authorized by Administrative Services, Administrative Services should be notified immediately.
Student Subpoena
To save a student from embarrassment and unnecessary attention, a person serving a subpoena to a student should be encouraged to serve the student at his/her home. See BP/AR 5145.11 for additional information.