Manhattan Beach Unified School District

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Agendas & Minutes

Joint Measure C & EE BOC Meeting Agenda & Materials:
DATE:                  Tuesday, September 3, 3024
LOCATION:         District Board Room (325 S. Peck Ave)
TIME:                   5:30 PM 
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, for those requiring special assistance to access the meeting room, to access written documents being discussed at the meeting, or to otherwise participate at oversight committee meetings, please contact Kiara Torres at [email protected] or 310-318-7345, ext. 5944.
Past Meeting Agendas & Minutes:
CANCELLED: The August 15, 2023 BOC Meeting was cancelled after the meeting materials were posted. Please note that these materials were not reviewed, discussed, or acted on, and will be incorporated into the next meeting's agenda.
CANCELLED: The March 14, 2023 BOC Meeting was cancelled after the meeting materials were posted. Please note that these materials were not reviewed, discussed, or acted on, and will be incorporated into the next meeting's agenda.
CANCELLED: The March 22, 2022 BOC Meeting was cancelled after the meeting materials were posted. Please note that these materials were not reviewed, discussed, or acted on, and will be incorporated into the April 14th meeting's agenda.