Manhattan Beach Unified School District

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Payroll Information

Due to Frontline implementation, we are moving to a weekly payroll submission schedule.  All Certificated and Classified payrolls are due by noon on Wednesday for the previous week. This means that, by each Wednesday:
  • Timekeepers need to collect all COAs and Time Certification Forms from the previous week
  • Timekeepers need to reconcile all time for the previous week in Frontline
  • Approvers need to review and approve all time for the previous week in Frontline
  • Timekeepers need to print Frontline reports, package them with COAs and TCFs, and put them in the District mail to Payroll
Please notify your administrator if you are not receiving COAs and TCFs on a timely basis, and please notify Payroll to confirm that you have put your payroll in the mail each Wednesday.
Click here for a detailed summary of the schedule to submit payroll for regular employees and substitutes, as well as pay dates for 2024-25.
Certificated additional hour timesheets are due by noon no later than the 20th of each month.
Classified additional hour timesheets are due by noon on the 15th and last working day of each month. 

 PAYROLL QUESTIONS? Please contact either Kim or Katy as follows for your site/dept.: 


    KIM  x5936 / [email protected]     KATY x5937 / [email protected]
    Preschool     Grand View
    Pennekamp     Meadows
    Robinson     Pacific
    MCHS     MBMS
    District Office     Food & Nutrition Services
    Maintenance & Operations     Subs w/ Last Names = N - Z (classified & cert)
    Subs w/ Last Names = A - M (classified & cert)  


PAY STUBS-Available online only: District employees who have Direct Deposit may view and print their pay stubs online. To access pay stubs issued after February 15, 2024, please: 


  1. Go to
  2. Click “Log in to Production” - this opens up a Microsoft Sign In window
  3. Enter the username sent in the email from [email protected] (this is NOT your email address). This is the username/email address that ends in that was sent in the system-generated email to your email)
  4. Enter the password sent in the system-generated email. Please do not use the quotation marks around the password. Your password is made up of the characters within the quotation marks
  5. Click through until you enter the BEST system and see the Employee Self-Service (ESS) tile on your screen
  6. Click the ESS tile on the screen and you are in ESS
  7. View/print pay stubs from the Compensation tab
  8. Please see this reference for more information on how to read the new version of your pay stub: HCM/ESS Pay Stub Guide. (Note - pg 1 is a certificated pay stub and pg 2 is a classified pay stub.)
To access pay stubs issued before February 15, 2024, please:
  1. Go to
  2. Agree to access the District Application Portal
  3. Select Azure Active Directory and use your email address to log on. You will be asked to create a password. 
  4. Once logged on select the myDocuments image to access your pay stubs from the dashboard
  5. Please refer to this reference to learn what is included and what the various codes stand for on this old version of your pay stub: Pay Stub Field Explanations.
Important: Pay stubs issued before February 15, 2024, will only be available on the Azure Active Directory for two (2) additional years. Please download/print your pay stubs if you are interested in keeping them beyond early 2026.  



TIME CERTIFICATION FORM (TCF): If you were unable or forgot to sign in or out on Frontline, please complete and turn in a TCF to your site/dept. payroll coordinator.
COA: ABSENCE REQUEST & CERTIFICATION: Please complete a COA for any leaves requested/taken. Informed K12 login is required to complete this form.
  • How-To-Guide: Completing a COA on Informed K12 (pdf-click here)
  • How-To-Video: Completing a COA on Informed K12 (click here)
SUBSTITUTE COA: ABSENCE REQUEST & CERTIFICATION: For use by MBUSD Substitutes only - no login required. Regular employees must log in to Informed K12 and use the "COA: Absence Request & Certification" form linked above.  
Informed K12 login is required to complete these forms. Please see the "How-To" guide and video for information on completing and submitting Additional Hours/Overtime timesheets:
  • How-To-Guide - Additional Hours / Overtime timesheets (pdf-click here)
  • How-To-Video - Additional Hours / Overtime timesheets (click here)
for use on all future payroll submissions. Please see the "How-To" guide and video for information on completing and submitting Substitute timesheets:
More information on Home/Hospital Instruction can be found here: Home/Hospital Teaching