Rights and Protection Reminders:
- Students may enroll in school even if they have uncertain housing, a temporary address or no permanent physical address.
- Homeless students:
- may enroll in school immediately even without the documents normally required for enrollment, such as proof of residency, health records, school records or legal guardianship papers.
- are guaranteed enrollment in school by the federal McKinney-Vento Act and California state law.
- may participate fully in all school activities and programs for which they are eligible.
- receive transportation to and from the school of origin, if requested.
- continue to attend the school in which they were last enrolled.
- qualify automatically for school nutrition programs.
Please contact MBUSD's Homeless Youth Liaison, Director of Student Services at 310-318-7345, Ext 5989.
You may also contact one of the State's Coordinators:
For more information, please visit: