What is Home and Hospital Instruction (HHI)?
Home and Hospital Instruction Program Purpose
Click Here for Info on Eligibility for Home and Hospital Instruction
What a parent should know about Home and Hospital Instruction (HHI):
What it is NOT…
Who can be placed in HHI...
Click Here for Info on Hospital or Residential Facility
Within district boundaries – Manhattan Beach Unified School district (MBUSD) will provide home and hospital instruction. The district shall be responsible for providing individual instruction to any temporarily disabled student who is in a hospital or other residential health facility located within district boundaries, whether or not the student is enrolled in the district. If the student is enrolled in another district, the Superintendent or designee may enter into an agreement to have the student's district of residence provide the individual instruction. (Education Code 48208)
Outside of district boundaries
The Superintendent or designee may enter into an agreement to provide individual instruction to a district student who is in a hospital or other residential health facility located within the boundaries of another district. (Education Code 48208)
Click Here to Learn About How to Request Home and Hospital Instruction
Instruction Options
Click Here for HHI Teacher Timesheet and Attendance Record Forms